dénicher: to unearth, to discover les volets: shutters ...."et je refermé les volets pour récupérer un peu de fraîcheur en me préparant pour mon rendez-vouz." écharpe: scarf liberté: freedom, free time
s'imprégner: to absorb éclater: to burst apercevoir: to perceive bulle: bubble - ..."Mais le temps filait comme un voleur et la sonnerie de son telephone a fait éclater notre bulle."
Verbs: remarquer: to notice apostropher: to shout at, address sharply se retourner: to turn around remonter: to go up again flancher: fail, pack up Nouns: la cible: the target
So I have 40 pages left to go with this novel....Slowly but surely. I hope to finish it in this century. Once completed I will create groups of lists for various areas of interest such as: biology, law and business. I will probably read another book. The direction of this blog is endless. A trip to France is in the works for 2019. Footnote: Speed is relative. Seemingly slow can be extremely fast.
Verbs: faire quelques courses - to do some shopping se dépêcher- to hurry ...."Je me suis dépêcher de le rejoinder pour l'aider." Noun: la serrure - lock Adj: ras- short, close-cropped