
Showing posts from December, 2018

Le manteau - coat.... Velvet - velours


Les vêtements


Learning is an ongoing process


CEO - chef de la direction executive leadership team - L'equipe de la haute direction board of directors - conseil d'administration shareholders - auctionnaires banking - bancaire customers - clients


Music....listening to music is a good way to learn a language. I find French music a bit boring...but maybe I should give this avenue another shot. I listen to a lot Greek music and I believe that is a possible explanation to why I feel more comfort with the language. Something about Greek music though....there is so much passion in it.

Le taureau = bull

Le taureau is a bull as in the animal (an not the expletive bullshit). And of course....another expression comes to mind: Stubborn as a bull. Christmas is around the corner and another expression comes to mind: When one door closes another door opens. I believe that those words are so true and come straight from God.