
Showing posts from January, 2019

Page 56

Un chien bien dressé (well trained) attend son maître (master).

La et - ion

la formation la mobilisation la promotion la proposition-cadre la traduction la vérification

Language is not a solo act...but the prep for it can be.

Στάθη est très drĂ´le!!!!

page 45 - sympa - sympathique - nice.

'très drôle!'


Page 37

Grossir: to gain weight Maigrir: to lose weight Mûrir : to ripen Pourrir: to spoil

Going forward - referring to pages in this book.


The Academy of Learning

The principle ideology at the Academy of Learning is that you learn by doing. In other words, in order to learn you need to put the theory into practice. I totally agree with this. As a kid at Saturday Greek school I remember how the teacher would write on the chalk board and we would have to copy it down in our handy dandy notebooks. Hours and hours of writing. I copied so much that my hand would hurt. Through this avenue the feminine, masculine and neuter Greek forms of the became very familiar.

Les pĂ¢tes - pasta

Purpose of this blog

This blog is all about redemption. It is about following through.

French according to Joey


When do you use le and la?

The word the needs to be discussed especially with respect to the French language. La is the feminine version of the, and le is the masculine version of the. In cases of people it is evident to know when to use le and la. For example, le garçon and la fille. In English, the word the is gender neutral and quite frankly its easier to use. With the French language there are a set of rules and exceptions with the word the. Here is a handy website:


Le & la should be eradicated from the French language and replaced with the.