
Showing posts from May, 2023

page 180

 "Je suis celle qui transforme son nombril en shooter, qui touche dans le spa, qui s'offre dans le douche. Il n'y a jamais  personne que veut aller assez loin pour moi."

Page 179

 Un precedent est cree. Desormais, je ne dormirai plus dans son lit. Par contre, chaque nuit, je ferais des rondes.

Page 174

 "C'est trop tard. Il se recule contre sa chaise, sa main tremble tandis qu'il la tend vers sa coupe. Il pleure aussi." "Je t'ai vole ton enfance"

ils preferait les bruler

 Usually I like to take my time with reading books because I enjoy the process of savoring things in general. However with this book, it is taking me a long time to read because it is disturbing. It is a coming of age story of a girl named Fauve. Her step father is dying of cancer and he ends up treating her like a wife? He exposes her to adult matters. He allows her to attend parties with her friends with drugs and alcohol. Fauve ends up becoming promiscuous.. The quotes to follow are the hints they provide to demonstrate my summary above.