Going forward I will post words I have looked up in the dictionary for a novel I have been reading. First I will write the unfamiliar words and meanings on a piece of paper and then I will type them here on this blog. I believe this method of repetition will be a good way to learn these words.

Here is page 105:

1. Rebondir - to bounce
2. Reléquer - to relegate
3. Alimenter - to feed
4. Parvenir - to reach, to succeed in doing
5. se retrouver - to find one's way
6. Accepter - to accept
7. Arriver - to arrive
8. Tenter - to tempt to attempt

1. Le trottoir: the pavement
2. Les dommages: the damages
3. La bêtise: the stupidity, a stupid thing to say or do
4. Le tourbillon: whirlwind
Words highlighted in yellow: sounds the same & means the same thing.


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