page 114
verbs -----------
espionner - to spy on
cueillir - to pick eg. cueillir des bouquets sauvage
accompagner - to accompany
repousser - to grow again, to push back, to repel
convenir - to suit, to be suitable
endormir - to put to sleep
s'endormir - to fall asleep
beurrer - to butter
atténuer - to alleviate, to ease, to soften
hisser - to heave, to hoist, to soften
nouns -----------
l'accueil - the welcome
le déni - the denial
les coups de soleil - sunburn
la douceur - softness, gentleness and mildness
verbs -----------
espionner - to spy on
cueillir - to pick eg. cueillir des bouquets sauvage
accompagner - to accompany
repousser - to grow again, to push back, to repel
convenir - to suit, to be suitable
endormir - to put to sleep
s'endormir - to fall asleep
beurrer - to butter
atténuer - to alleviate, to ease, to soften
hisser - to heave, to hoist, to soften
nouns -----------
l'accueil - the welcome
le déni - the denial
les coups de soleil - sunburn
la douceur - softness, gentleness and mildness
noun: mezzanine; plural noun: mezzanines
- 1.a low story between two others in a building, typically between the ground and first floors.
- North Americanthe lowest balcony of a theater, stadium, etc., or the front rows of the balcony.
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