Showing posts from July, 2018
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Verbs: revu - reviewed je m'y accrochais - I was hanging on contrairer - annoyed traduiser - to translate, to convey déposer la hache - drop the axe lâcher - to let go of --- example J'ai lâcher la main de Laurent percevoir - to perceive, to detect Nouns: la mise en terre - the planting tumultes - tumults, commotions ma grisaille - my greyness, dullness mes colères - my angers la hache - the axe le cercueil - the coffin une poignée de terre - a handful of earth la trêve - the truce son regard réprobateur - his disapproving look Les lys - lilies ╬
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Enceinte - pregnant Expression: enceinte jusqu'aux oreilles - pregnant to the ears The Greek language has some very interesting expressions. Two Greek sayings that are funny/harsh : 1) Όποιος δεν έχει μυαλό έχει πόδια . 2) tha se rikso xilo. Expressions are something that have always interested me...Some are exclusive to a language. I digress and will return to translating those unknown verbs, nouns, and adjectives in this ironically titled short novel.
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This novel is wonderfully poetic yet sad. I cannot wait to find out what happens at the end. Verbs: S'amonceler - to pile or heap up "Les nuages gris s'amoncelaient dans le triste ciel d'automne." se faufiler - to edge ones way into évanouir - to faint, to vanish, to disappear prévenir - warn, prevent, avoid envahir - to invade, to come over repousser - to grow again, to repel, to repulse Nouns: un plafond - a ceiling le remord - the remorse une affinité funeste - a disastrous affinity la marque - the brand la mine déconfite - the crestfallen look crestfallen - sad and disappointed
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Verbs: prendre de soin - to take care of dégouter - to disgust façoner - to shape, to fashion se construire - to build, to construct rechigner - to begrudge, to jib emmener - to take (with one) - example: to take someone to the coffee shop with you efforcer - to try hard to do "Je m'efforçais d'oublier" Nouns: Le deuil - bereavement
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Verbs: délibérer - to deliberate orchestrer - to orchestrate entrecouper - to intersperse something with réaliser - to realize , to carry out briser - to break démontrer - to demonstrate broder - to embroider claironner - to trumpet, to shout from the roof tops reconnaître - to recognize , to acknowledge that gonfler - to blow up, to pump up, to swell trahir - to betray gâcher - to spoil, to waste remercier - to thank Nouns: sa fuite - her flight puce - flea pommettes - cheekbones Adj: lisse - smoothe
Les parents
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Dans cet roman court, Raphael a parlé de ses parents. Ils étaient très différents: "Toute mon enfance, papa avait été mon phare." "Maman est partie sur la pointe de pieds." Reading this has lead me to compare my own parents and realize how different m y own parents are. My father would always say that he would do things slowly slowly as if he knew the secret to living for 1000 years. My mother on the other hand is impatient and wants things done yesterday. My response to all this is:
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Verbs Soupirer - to sigh échapper - to escape repenser - to rethink aboutir à - to end up, to succeed appartenir à - to belong to repousser - to push back échouer - to fail naviguer - to navigate, to sail Nouns Le douanier - the customs officer le siège - the seat égarements - distractions phare - lighthouse trousseau - bunch of keys chevalet - easel couche - layer - exemple: couche de poussière peine - sorrow, sadness ADJ louche: shady, fishy, dubios
Correction - Mes souvenirs
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I studied French for more than 6 years. I was introduced to French at elementary school aka Wilkinson P.S. A few years ago when I was at Yonge Station on my way to the mall (doing what I do best lol) I came across a French teacher I had in elementary school. She remembered me. Not only did she recognize me, but she remembered the name I used to go by during those days (Toula). She was my teacher over 25 years ago!