La Terre inhabitable - Vocabulaire - pages 219 - 312

Ladite – the aforesaid

Disponible - available

Ecrasant - overwhelming

Récit - story

Enjeux - stakes

Un pari - bet

Remporter – to take away

Désespoir – despair

Parrain – godfather

Ténèbres – darkness

Apogée – peak, apogee

Chambouler – to disrupt, to turn upsidedown

Tant que – as long as, as much as

La haine – hatred

L’envie – envy

D’elan – elk, moose

En revanche – on the other hand

La couche d’ozone – ozone layer

La foulée – stride

Coute que coute – at all costs

Incontournable – unavoidable

Un déplacement – shift

L’effondrement – collapse

Rots de la mort  - belch of death

Ont écartés – to move apart

Les fautifs – at fault, in the wrong

Réconfortants – to comfort

Envergure – scope, caliber

La litote – understatement

Émerveillement – wonder

Entre-temps – meanwhile

Le champ – field

S’étire – to stretch

Bigarée – multicoloured

La gamme – range

Vile – vile, base

Insouciant – carefree

Net – clear

Recul – distance, decline

La foi – faith

Quoique – although

Entourent – to surround

Nul – no, hopeless

Faire des ravages – to wreak havoc

Débarrasser – to clear, to get rid of

Élémentaires – elementary

Ténèbres – darkness

Titulaire – with tenure

Compagne – companion

La marge – margin

La cueillette – picking, crop harvest

Etourdissant – stunning – étourdissant

S’effondrer – to collapse

Combler le vide – fill the void

Contraindre – to compel

Désormais – from now on

Lourde – heavy

Sillage – wake

La moulinette – reel, to whirl around

Confondre – to confuse

En lambeux – in tatters

Brandir – to brandish

Vaccillants – to sway, wobble, flicker

Grignoter – to knibble at

Afforntements – clashes

Querelles – quarrals

Une bâche – tarpaulin

Effets de serre – greenhouse effect 

Etayer – to prop – étayer

Ressentir – to feel

Les failles – flaws, weakness

Echouer – fail, to run around – échouer

Sorcellerie – witchcraft

L’apparition – appearance

Tant vantée – to speak highly of, boast, brag

Les plus béats – admirable, struck dumb with admiration

Vaille que vaille – somehow or other

Enjolivées – to embellish

Parvenons – reach, to manage to do, succeed in doing

Teinter – to tint, stain

Rafraichir – to cool down

 Face aux – in the face of

Impuissant – helpless

La réticence – hesitation, reluctance

Perspicacité – clearsightedness

Affluents – tributary

Ainsi – Thus

Un récit – story
