La Terre inhabitable - Vocabulaire - pages 35 - 217


Bétail – livestalk, cattle

Revendiqué – to claim, demand

Dompter – to tame

Empailler – to stuff

Tordre – to wring, to twist

Dehors – outside

Dedans – inside

Ecrasants – overwhelming – écrasants

Convenir – to be suitable

Une boucle – loop

Une boucle d’oreille – earring

Réel – real

Suffisamment – sufficiently, enough

Enjeu – stake

Vitrines – windows

Véritable – true

Divertissement – distraction

Croisements – crossroads, crossings

Récits – stories

Souffrances – suffering

Ebauches – outline

Effrayant – frightening

Souci – worry, concern

Criaeint ou loup – crying wolf

Invraisemblable – unlikely, improbable

Un fléau – scourge

La sagesse – wisdom

Saississant – startling, striking

D’ores – already

Désormais – from now on

Durant – during

Découle – ensue, follow from

Rouages – wheels of state

Huilés – to oil

Les privations – do without

La courbe – the curve

Épargné – saving

Deuil – mourning

Un effondrement – a collapse

démissioner – to resign

Honteux – ashamed, shameful

Pertubations – atmospheric disturbance

Découleront – to ensue, to follow from

Entrainé – to carry, to drag around

Une hécatombe – slaughter

Coraux – coral pleurual

Balayer – to sweep up

Le pavot – poppy

Le sillage – wake

Abimées – spoiled, damaged

Les alentours – surroundings, neighbourhoods, round abouts

Puisque -since

Anormalement – abnormal

Faillite – bankruptcy

Déplacer – to move, shift

Récoltes s’amenuisent – to grow slimmer, lessen

Entrelacer – to intertwine

Le fagot – bundle of sticks

Séismes – earthquakes

Difficilement – with difficulty

Occident – West

Certes – sans doute

Subir – undergo

Décomptes – deductions

Seront – will be

Déchets nucléaire – nuclear wastes

Querelles – quarrals

S’effondrer – to collapse

Krach – crash

Basculeront – to fall over, to tip

Sursaut – start, jump

Cependant – however

Certes – admittedly, of course

Sans precedent – previous, precedent

Récoltes – harvest

Immobilier – property

Echelle -scale

Contonnée – to confine to

Fleaux – scourge

Le paludisme – malaria

Dicton – saying, dictum

Un requin – shark

Récifs – reefs

Abriter – to shelter, take over

Les huitres – oysters

Les moules – mussels

Coquille – shells

Endommagera – damage

Banal – banal, common place

Ressentir – to feel

Inlassablement – tirelessly

L’eau douce – sweat, fresh water

Effrondrer – collapse

Un apercu – general survey

Une foule – crowd

Trajectoires – paths

Colons – settlers

Revendiquant – to claim, to demand

Les chercheurs – researchers

Le chatiment – punishment

Car – because, for

Incendie – fire

La moitié – half

Meutrier – deadly

Ravageur – wreak

Dégats – damage

Le sorgho – sorghum, cereals from Africa

Le Moyen Orient – Middle East

Un tier – third

Les feuilles épaisses – thick leaves

Engrais aérian – manure, fertilizer

Ainsi – thus

Occidentalisé – westernisation

Quasiment – almost, nearly

Terre arables – land that can grow crops, capable of being ploughed

Les clous – nails

Retrait – retirement

Mépris – scorn

Se révéler – to be revealed

Ralentir – to slow down

Siècle – century

Les rendements – outcome

Champs – fields

Rots – belch -burp

Le soja – soya beans

Supplémentaires – additional, further

Les récoltes- harvesting, gathering

Appirition – appearance

Le niveau – level

Engloutir – to swallow up

Dégradées – damage, deface

Métarécits –

Autant dire – one might as well say that

Ballants – dangling

Balayées – sweep up

Canicules – scorching heat

La récolte – harvesting

Couteuse – costly

Reins – kidney

Greniers – attics

Bilan – outcome, death toll

Ourang – hurricane

Chaleur – heat

Dérèglement – to put out of order

Un coupable – a guilty person 






