
Showing posts from February, 2024

reading of page 45


L'etranger - a book about how absurd life can be

une bouée


Chapter 1 - The Stranger - Albert Camus - word translations

 bavardant - gossip/chatter athee - atheist blanchie a la chaux - whitewashed verriere - glass/roof wall la biere ? hearse? sarrau - smock frelons - hornets parisien - from Paris le corbillard - hearse Tais-toi - shut up indigent - poor le commutateur - the switch edaboussement - splash dispose des chaises - arrange the chairs j'ai somnole - to doze un frolement - a rustle grincat - squeak m'echappait - escaped  ventre bombe - bulging belly tenaient des cannes - holding canes affaisse - collapsed reniflait - sniff reins - kidneys  tasse - cram/squeeze menton - chin tousse -cough crachait - spit mouchoir - hankerchief un arrachement - agreement incommode - bother cendre - ashes rougeurs - red blotches batiments - building  remue-menage -commotion la cour - yard un platane - plane tree pantalon raye - stripped pants en principe - as a rule veiller - watch over/attend peuril - childish le cure - parish/prist drap - sheet deleguee - representative osseux - boney vernie -...

L'etranger - what i will be doing with this novel

I will post the translations of words I'm not familiar with, chapter by chapter. I have almost completed reading chapter 1.