
Showing posts from June, 2018
page 116 Verbs décu - décevoir - to disappoint emmenée - emmener - to take someone away montré - montrer - to show verrouiller - to bolt, to lock relâcher - to release effectuer - to carry out, to make exiger - to demand, to require plonger - to dive Nouns le moulinet - fishing reel deux reprises - 2 resumptions le fil - wire, thread mon appat - bait, lure prises (pêcher) - catches - in relation to fishing noeud - knot
page 115 Verbs: céder - to give in montrer - to show tanguer - to pitch and toss regretter -to regret étrangler - to strangle lancer - to throw enterrer - to bury - pneumonic device - terre means earth in French s'ecrouler - to collapse durer - to last - l'amour pouvait durer Nouns: prétext - pretext, excuse la chaloupe - the launch, the lifeboat poids - weight la maladresse - clumsiness
Roadblock Not knowing what the word in French means after looking up the definition because I don't know what the word in English means Positive Learning more English vocabulary
page 114 verbs ----------- espionner - to spy on cueillir - to pick eg. cueillir des bouquets sauvage accompagner - to accompany repousser - to grow again, to push back, to repel convenir - to suit, to be suitable endormir - to put to sleep s'endormir - to fall asleep beurrer - to butter atténuer - to alleviate, to ease, to soften hisser - to heave, to hoist, to soften nouns ----------- l'accueil - the welcome le déni - the denial les coups de soleil - sunburn la douceur - softness, gentleness and mildness mez·za·nine ˈmezəˌnēn / noun noun: mezzanine ; plural noun: mezzanines 1 . a low story between two others in a building, typically between the ground and first floors. North American the lowest balcony of a theater, stadium, etc., or the front rows of the balcony.
page 113 verbs------------ accueillir - to welcome agripper - to grab, to clutch exiger - to demand, to require fuir - to flee from, to run away raccrocher - to hang up - like hanging up the phone balayer - to brush up, sweep up, sweep aside affronter - to confront, to face réussir - to succeed permettre - to allow, permit enfouir - to bury nouns----------- mes tourments - my torments le detour - the detour, bend, curve l'autruche - ostrich ADJ coupable - guilty eg. sentir coupable
On average there is about 10 words per page that I am unfamiliar with. However, I do have an understanding of what is occurring. This novel assisted me to recognize that I need to work on my comprehension of verbs. ****(footnote) I am not reading Les Miserables.
page 110 Verbs: confirmer - to confirm brandir - to brandish enlacer - to hug verrouillées - to bolt, to lock sentir, - to smell, to taste, to feel bercer - to rock, to cradle appuyé sur - press cracher - to spit céderait - to give up convenir que - to admit that s'engouffrer dans - to rush into engouffrer - to swallow up, devour enduire - to coat Nouns: la facture - the bill, invoice la houle - the swell le matelas - mattress hôte - host, guest
I will eventually go back to French epiphany's and strategies....But for now I'm translating new words from this novel I have been reading for a few months now. At this point I will not reveal the novel. When I am finished I will reveal the title and write a short description of it in French. page 110 I will continue....tmr.
page 109: T'es bouchée - your clogged tenir - to hold
The verb is the meat of a sentence. Learning the verbs is my priority. The difficulty with learning the verbs in French is that many verbs have multiple meanings. You have to look at the sentence as a whole to figure out what the verb means. page 108: Verbs: Louer: to rent Pêcher - to go fishing obliger - to force commander - to order (like ordering something at a restaurant) solliciter - to appeal to, to seek combler - to fill in panser - to dress, bandage Nouns pied des pentes - feet of the slopes
page 107 Verbs: déverser - to pour dévoiler - to unveil balayer - to sweep up, to brush up répliquer - to reply, to retaliate s'assoyant - sitting gnogner - to growl, to grumble gorge de - filled with Nouns: le tabouret - the stool le fiel - the gall l'ivresse - drunkness gorgée - sip gulp When a word is highlighted in purple I would say it is rather important to know or rather I believe it is a frequently used word.
page 106 Verbs: vécu - lived ==== vivre to live établie - établir - to be established valait - to earn expliquer - to explain détourner - to divert, to turn away déconstruire - to deconstruct enfoncer - to drive into, to sink into vogeur - to sail surveiller - to watch, to keep an eye on craquer - to creak, to come apart, to snap reconnaître - to recognize sévissant - cracking se déchaînent - go wild désertent - desert Nouns: la racine - the root coin - corner, wedge la embarcation - the boat le navire - the ship
Going forward I will post words I have looked up in the dictionary for a novel I have been reading. First I will write the unfamiliar words and meanings on a piece of paper and then I will type them here on this blog. I believe this method of repetition will be a good way to learn these words. Here is page 105: Verbs: 1. Rebondir - to bounce 2. Reléquer - to relegate 3. Alimenter - to feed 4. Parvenir - to reach, to succeed in doing 5. se retrouver - to find one's way 6. Accepter - to accept 7. Arriver - to arrive 8. Tenter - to tempt to attempt Nouns: 1. Le trottoir: the pavement 2. Les dommages: the damages 3.  La bêtise: the stupidity, a stupid thing to say or do 4. Le tourbillon: whirlwind   Footnote: Words highlighted in yellow: sounds the same & means the same thing.  
How many verbs are there in the French language?
Typing Accents on Keyboard: Popular: é - Alt 0233 è - Alt 0232 ê - Alt 0234 For more detail about accents:
Stuff She Knows! (Clueless movie quote) aimer - to like assessoir - to sit attendre - to wait buver - to drink chanter - to sing chercher - to find commencer - to begin, to start comprendre - to understand conduire - to drive connaitre - to know couper - to cut croire - to believe demander - to ask detester - to hate diser - to say ecrire - to write fermer - to close garder - to hold habiter - to live laver - to wash manger - to eat oublier - to forget ouvre - to open parler - to talk penser - to think porter - to wear regarder - to look sauter - to jump sortir - to leave trouver - to find tuer - to kill ---- (studied a little history in French) vendre - to buy ---- and if you know me ---- you know I love to shop venir - to come ****some accents are missing on some verbs above.
J'ai etudie le Francais pour 6 annees. Grade 7 - Grade 12 Les verbs que j'ai appris sont.....
A nalogie Learning a language is like training for cross country running. The first time you train you don't run the whole route of the competition. You start with a lap or two and then build. With regards to learning a language you can pick up a novel that interests you and start with reading a page a day and go from there. Build confidence. The more ease you have with comprehension the less frustrated you will feel and the more you will want to read. This method is what I like to refer as "self learning yourself". Granted if you are studying at school the luxury of learning at your own pace does not necessarily exist as deadlines need to be met. A word of advice shall follow: ***Cramming and writing an essay the night before it is due is not ideal. Plan ahead and compose in bits and pieces. You should walk every step in order to thoroughly get to the top of the staircase.
The initial verbs that were introduced to me while studying extended French (many years ago) were: avoir: to have être: to be -------------- aller: to go devenir: to become devoir: to must mettre: to put penser: to think pouvoir: to be able to prendre: to take savoir: to know venir: to come vouloir: to want I remember  having many assignments conjugating these verbs in various tenses and creating sentences with these verbs. As a result, these above verbs are imprinted in my brain.
"Je veux améliorer parce que je peux."
Prepare to embark on a French adventure of what I know, what I have recently learned and ultimately what I will teach. -  Une aventure française
My French epiphany - learning the verbs and nouns are key and the adjectives are the fluff.
The two most important verbs in the French language are:   1. être - to be 2. avoir- to have